Southern California Probation Violations Attorney
Speak with Attorney Kellee Parker Harris Today
Upon conviction for driving under the influence, you are placed on probation for three to five years. As a term of your probation you are not to violate any laws, do not drive with a measurable amount of alcohol, and you are ordered to complete a number of sentencing terms (fine, alcohol program, community service, jail, etc). Should you fail to complete one of your sentencing terms or be arrested for a new criminal case then you would be ordered back to court for a probation violation hearing. At your probation violation hearing you would be facing enhanced sentencing terms (increased fine, community service, jail, etc). Any time you violate probation you can be sentenced to the maximum punishment which on a first offense misdemeanor DUI is 6 months in custody. On a multiple offense DUI within a ten year period the maximum punishment is one year in custody.
For this reason, you need to contact a Southern California DUI attorney as soon as possible. Attorney Kellee Parker Harris of Parker Law Center knows the importance of your freedom. She is a fearless, relentless fighter who makes it her mission to defend your rights and obtain the best possible outcome. In some cases, clearing up the violation of probation can be simple, while other times it can be considerably more complicated. Attorney Parker knows how to properly navigate these types of cases to minimize any potential sentence enhancements. Parker Law Center offers affordable, effective and compassionate representation making it the ideal choice for someone charged with violating DUI probation.
Don’t wait! If you’ve been accused of violating your probation, time isn’t on your side. Reach out to Parker Law Center now by dialing(800) 805-8804 or contacting us online to review your options and start building a hard-hitting criminal defense!
Why Hire Parker Law Center?
A DUI is a criminal offense that can result in serious penalties. Turning to a seasoned and skilled defense lawyer that focuses on handling DUI cases can make a major difference.
Hiring an attorney does not have to break the bank. Parker Law Center aims to provide all of our clients with effective DUI representation at an affordable and reasonable rate.
Our aggressive defense strategies have enabled us to successfully represent a variety of complex misdemeanor and felony DUI cases across Southern California.
Take the First Step.
Speak with a DUI Attorney Today!
Our firm brings over a decade of insight and experience in the area of DUI law. We have also found success with the number of cases we have taken to trial. When you place matters into our hands, you can depend on us to fiercely advocate for your rights and protect your driving privileges.