What If I Am on Probation for a DUI and Was Caught with a Measurable Amount of Alcohol in My System?

Generally, most states treat DUIs as a serious offense, but California can be particularly strict when it comes to alcohol consumption and DUI offenders who are on probation. In these cases, California has what is known as a “Zero Tolerance” policy, which states that any measurable amount of alcohol in the blood is enough to result in [...]


New Car Manufacturers May Provide Standard Alcohol Detection

A new law under consideration called “The Roads Safe Act” would allow an alcohol detector to be put in every car standard like airbags and a radio. The device would allow six violations before stalling the car. The device would be calibrated to 0.03 percent and at this level would trigger a violation. As of [...]


AB 91, Is it Working?

Many California motorists are unaware of a pilot program, AB 91, which went into effect July 1, 2010 that forces first-time DUI offenders convicted in Los Angeles, Sacramento, Alameda and Tulare counties to install ignition interlock devices (IIDs) in their vehicles for a five month period. Second-time convicted DUI offenders in these counties are required to install [...]


Agencies Offer Free Rides on New Year’s Eve

The “Avoid the 100,” anti DUI campaign is currently in full force to remove drunk drivers from the road and making drivers think twice before getting behind the wheel after a few cocktails. This campaign started on December 16, 2011 and will remain in effect until January 1, 2012. During this time period the task force has [...]


Have You Been Charged with a DUI in California & Live out of State?

Out of state drivers who have been arrested and charged for a DUI in Southern California face the same legal penalties as a driver licensed by the State of California. There are many steps involved in both the Court and DMV processes which can prove very challenging for out of state drivers; the special circumstances involved require the expertise [...]

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